Passionate. Experienced.

A licensed member of CICC.




Recent News & Blog

  • [學生簽證] 碩士 Webinar 8 月 10 日
    無睇錯! 真係仲趕得切行 Stream A / B 嚟加拿大!
  • [移民加拿大] 楓葉卡 注意事項
    ❓ 案例 1 終於成為加拿大永久居民,不過仍未有永久居民卡, 又名楓葉卡 (Permanent Resident Card – PR Card) 。可以短期離開加拿大境嗎? ⚠️ 案例 2 成為了加拿大永久居民,但目前在海外生活,也未有楓葉卡。需要什麼文件才能進入加拿大境? ⛔ 案例 3 假如楓葉卡將會在旅行期間到期,該怎麼辦?
  • [快速通道] 1 週 Recap (July 2024)
    🟥 🍁 🟥 加拿大移民部上週透過快速通道 (Express Entry – EE) 及各省提名計畫 (Provincial Nominee Program – PNP) 簽發接近 12,600 份加拿大永久居留權邀請函 (ITA)。
  • [移民加拿大] 碩士招生講座
    University of Niagara Falls Canada 碩士招生講座 2024 年 8 月 10 日 (星期六) 香港時間 上午 10 – 11
  • [移民加拿大] 加拿大公民
    ⚠️ 回顧 – 加拿大永久居民 [網頁] 🇨🇦🍁 加拿大是一個具代表性的理想移民國家之一,也是支援多元文化主義國家的典範。擁有加拿大公民身份,可以享受廣泛的免簽證旅行之餘,還可以生活在一個安全、自由和包容的國家。此外,加拿大亦允許雙重或多重國籍 🎯。

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Helping families and individuals to settle in Canada.

Lam, Kang Wa (Alex)

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant – #R530545

Commissioner for Taking Affidavits – Ontario

President of CA Pathway Immigration Services. A licensed member of CICC having strong background in financial industry. His passion in immigration law and helping families and individuals to settle in Canada has enabled him to be a trusted consultant in the always changing immigration environment.

Led by Alex Lam, CA Pathway is a trusted and experienced Canadian Immigration Consulting firm located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with Authorized and Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants. CICC is the national regulatory authority designated by the government of Canada to safeguard consumers who seek and retain the services of consultants who provide immigration services to Canada.

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21 Simcoe St S

Oshawa, ON , Canada

L1H 4G1

☎︎ +1 (289) 943-8388

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Take CELPIP for your Canada Immigration